Friday, July 13, 2012

"Time Will Not Heal All Of Your Pain"


     Is it possible? Does Time heal? My wounds hurt so much, I can't really hear my heart anymore... Am I dying or it's just a nightmare? I don't know... I feel lost in space... I feel the blood running out from my veins, all those words... Seems like a gunshot... It pierces me, am I blind or I just don't want to see the truth behind your eyes? Am I just a part of a game? A game that I was born to get a game over? Why is this always happening to me? Do I deserve it? I know... I'm far from being a Saint... But is everybody a Saint? 

      I would like to cry, but my pride gives me strength to block my tears from running out, I'm being strong for so much time, why can't I just have someone to cheer me up like I do for everyone? Am I the only one who can do it? Do I need to look at my reflex over the mirror and put my sadness in something so superficial? I feel the shame of this abandon in my heart and on my face... I just wanna lay my head and sleep, without my worst nightmare...

      I'm tired of being stronger for others and myself... Just leave me alone and go, run away from me, cause you can't heal my wounds, don't tell me that you are sorry without knowing the reason that you are so sorry... Don't expect my love in exchange of your scorn. I'm not your puppet, you can't manipulate me, I grow up and know I'm a man without expectations, all because you made my dreams become just illusions, all made by my blind and dumb heart.

These are my Dismantled Words.
By.: Unorthodox.